April 2025
Happy Easter! We had a brisk winter this year and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a nice warm spring and summer. Things will slow down a little bit at the gym...
March 2025
As we roll into the close of the first quarter of 2025, there’s still plenty of opportunity for you to get into the routine of building time at the gym into your schedule if you have not done so already...
February 2025
Here we are, already a month has passed in 2025 and we are into February - another busy month at the gym with snowbirds as well as locals coming to their local gym. We experience a spike in attendance during this time, so if at all possible that it can be worked into your schedule, the ideal times to come are from 11:30am-3:30pm or anytime after 7:00pm...
January 2025
New Smyrna Athletic Club staff, instructors, trainers, and massage therapists all want to wish you a Happy & Healthy New Year and truly hope you have wonderful holidays - for all our members, future members and past members...
December 2024
It's already December, unbelievable how this year flew by... We want to wish everyone Happy Holidays. We hope you enjoy the holiday season...
November 2024
We would like to send all our thoughts out to anyone in our community who was affected by Hurricane Milton, we do hope your recovery is smooth and quick...
October 2024
As we enter the final quarter of the year we start to pick-up in attendance at the gym as snowbirds move into town. Welcome you back and safe passage south. This summer has flown by...
September 2024
September has arrived and we're nearly in the last quarter of 2024. We do hope everyone has had a wonderful summer vacation and we look forward to welcoming back some of our snow birds...
August 2024
Wow, we’re entering the 8th month of the year already – unreal… Welcome to one of the hottest months of the year, if you or anyone you know is struggling in this heat with their workout, we have 5 fully operation AC systems here at NSAC...
July 2024
Here we are, halfway through the year already! We’re in the midst of one of the hottest summers, so we always like to remind our current and past members that we have 5 dedicated workout rooms with 5 fully functional AC systems...
June 2024
Once again we’re half a year in the books, amazing how quickly these months fly by. The Florida heat is here and summer is going to be a hot one, as a reminder we have 5 dedicated AC units at the gym that crank out the cool air for all our members to enjoy...
May 2024
Every year seems like it flies by faster than the previous one, we're already into May 2024. With the summer heat coming, you will see some unfamiliar faces around the club with visitors that come into town throughout the spring/summer months...
April 2024
Happy Easter all! "Winter" was actually a little bit cooler this year than in year's past, but now that we're going into spring things will slow down a little bit at the gym.

March 2024
We're nearly done with the first quarter of 2024, time is passing by and there's still an opportunity for you to build the gym into your weekly routine...

February 2024
January has flown by and now we're into February which continues to be a popular time for snowbirds to come down to Florida, and we experience a spike in usage at the gym during this time...

January 2024
Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to all our members, future members and past members. January is a very busy time here at the gym ...

December 2023
Happy Holidays to all our members, future members or past members. We hope you enjoy the holiday season whether you are in town or away for some time. This is traditionally a quieter time of year...

November 2023
This is the time of year where we welcome back our snowbirds! Our classes will start to get busier, as will the parking lot. We always like to provide you with a reminder that non-peak times to workout are from 11:15am-3:30pm...

October 2023
As we enter the final quarter of the year we start to pick-up in attendance at the gym as snowbirds flock to our town. We welcome you back and wish you safe passage south.

September 2023
It’s unbelievable how quickly this year and this summer has passed us by, we do hope you had a wonderful time whatever you chose to do. Kids are now back in school or off to college...

August 2023
Is it already August? Unbelievable how fast this year has gone, and how hot it is right now! If you’re struggling trying to workout outside, just keep in mind we have 5 fully operational AC systems...

July 2023
It's incredible but we are already through half the year - it's really flown by. With the heat that we're going to have this summer it's a good time to remind any family/friends that like to workout outdoors that overheating is always a possibility...

June 2023
Amazing how half a year has already flown by in 2023. Summer is upon us, we will have lots of students and visitors to the gym and the area, so you will notice a shift in the times that the gym gets busy...

May 2023
Already into the month of May, 5 months into the year… Summer is quickly approaching and you will start to see lots of unfamiliar faces around the club with our visitors that come throughout the spring/summer months...

April 2023
Happy Easter all! We made it through another “winter” and we’re entering our beautiful spring months – you’ll notice things get a bit quieter at the gym during this time. We want to thank all of our seasonal members...

March 2023
Here we are in March, it’s a nice time of year as we move into the warmer months and get ready for the summer. We’ve welcomed a lot of snowbirds back this year, more than in the past few years due to the pandemic.

February 2023
January has flown by and now we're into February, which feels colder than usual. This is typically a heavy time for snowbirds to come down to Florida, and we experience a spike in usage at the gym during this time a well.

January 2023
A very Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to all! As many of you know, January is a very busy time at the gym and we appreciate your patience and understanding when it comes to parking around the facility during peak times.

August 2022
Wow can you believe we are already 7 months through 2022? Time is flying by... back to school is around the corner, but the summer heat and summer months are still with us.

July 2022
It sure feels like summer came early this year, it's been scorching hot! Just a reminder that we have 5 fully functional AC's at NSAC so if you or your friends are feeling the heat out there, then the club might be the place to come for a workout in a cooler environment.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s July Newsletter

June 2022
Here we are in June and nearly half the year is over, incredible how the time has flown by. During the summer months we start to experience an influx of visitors along with students that are out of school, so the typical times you would expect a certain group of members will shift during the summer break.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s June Newsletter

May 2022
Greetings to the month of May… We’re nearly half way through the year and as we approach summer we will start to see visitors from out of town that may not be familiar with the gym, so if you see happen to find anyone looking for a piece of equipment or perhaps using a piece of equipment incorrectly, don’t hesitate to give them a helping hand.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s May Newsletter

April 2022
Happy Easter everyone, and welcome to spring and warmer weather! Things start to slow down as our friends from the north start heading back up for the summer…
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s April Newsletter

March 2022
February has flown by and here we are in March already. We’ve seen a lot of our snowbirds that have returned for the winter, welcome back – if anyone is running into parking issues there are additional spaces on Canal St and along Julia St as well as a large lot behind the Corkscrew.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s March Newsletter

February 2022
Here we are in February already, hopefully you've all be able to handle the colder weather this past month. The gym has been busier than last year as our friends from the north have all started to come back to the club and we welcome having them.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s February Newsletter

January 2022
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, 2022 will be a great year for all of us! We’re starting to see more faces returning to the gym, January is a busier time of year - so as a reminder our front door off Canal St remains closed and access to the gym is from the rear entrance.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s January Newsletter

December 2021
Happy Holidays everyone, wishing you all a blessed time no matter where you are or whom you spend the holidays with.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s December Newsletter

November 2021
With the holidays quickly approaching and some normalcy returning we do expect to see snowbirds returning to our area and we look forward to welcoming you back.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s November Newsletter

October 2021
NSAC is open and operating 24HRS, we welcome all those that have not yet returned to visit the club and see that it is a safe, socially distanced and clean environment for you to work out in.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s October Newsletter

September 2021
Welcome to September and some cooler temperatures (hopefully!)… Hoping everyone had a wonderful summer, whether you were able to get away for some time or spent your time in our beautiful city, I hope you had a great time.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s September Newsletter

August 2021
Unbelievably we are already into August of this year which seems to be flying by. It’s been a hot summer, as a reminder to all we have 5 fully functioning AC systems at the gym to keep you cool during these hot months.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s August Newsletter

July 2021
Summer has reached us and as you may have noticed there are fewer people at the gym as a lot have taken their summer vacations or gone to their summer homes.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s July Newsletter

June 2021
Welcome to the Month of June! Things have started to heat up now that we're rolling into the summer.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s June Newsletter

May 2021
Welcome to the month of May! Hope everyone has had a good beginning to the year, as best they could during these times.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s May Newsletter

April 2021
Welcome to April, Happy Easter to all!
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s April Newsletter

March 2021
Welcome to another edition of our monthly newsletter – we certainly appreciate your readership and patronage at the club.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s March Newsletter

February 2021
Welcome to February as we ease into the New Year.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s February Newsletter

February 2023
January has flown by and now we're into February, which feels colder than usual. This is typically a heavy time for snowbirds to come down to Florida, and we experience a spike in usage at the gym during this time a well.

January 2023
A very Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to all! As many of you know, January is a very busy time at the gym and we appreciate your patience and understanding when it comes to parking around the facility during peak times.

August 2022
Wow can you believe we are already 7 months through 2022? Time is flying by... back to school is around the corner, but the summer heat and summer months are still with us.

July 2022
It sure feels like summer came early this year, it's been scorching hot! Just a reminder that we have 5 fully functional AC's at NSAC so if you or your friends are feeling the heat out there, then the club might be the place to come for a workout in a cooler environment.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s July Newsletter

June 2022
Here we are in June and nearly half the year is over, incredible how the time has flown by. During the summer months we start to experience an influx of visitors along with students that are out of school, so the typical times you would expect a certain group of members will shift during the summer break.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s June Newsletter

May 2022
Greetings to the month of May… We’re nearly half way through the year and as we approach summer we will start to see visitors from out of town that may not be familiar with the gym, so if you see happen to find anyone looking for a piece of equipment or perhaps using a piece of equipment incorrectly, don’t hesitate to give them a helping hand.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s May Newsletter

April 2022
Happy Easter everyone, and welcome to spring and warmer weather! Things start to slow down as our friends from the north start heading back up for the summer…
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s April Newsletter

March 2022
February has flown by and here we are in March already. We’ve seen a lot of our snowbirds that have returned for the winter, welcome back – if anyone is running into parking issues there are additional spaces on Canal St and along Julia St as well as a large lot behind the Corkscrew.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s March Newsletter

February 2022
Here we are in February already, hopefully you've all be able to handle the colder weather this past month. The gym has been busier than last year as our friends from the north have all started to come back to the club and we welcome having them.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s February Newsletter

January 2022
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, 2022 will be a great year for all of us! We’re starting to see more faces returning to the gym, January is a busier time of year - so as a reminder our front door off Canal St remains closed and access to the gym is from the rear entrance.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s January Newsletter

December 2021
Happy Holidays everyone, wishing you all a blessed time no matter where you are or whom you spend the holidays with.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s December Newsletter

November 2021
With the holidays quickly approaching and some normalcy returning we do expect to see snowbirds returning to our area and we look forward to welcoming you back.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s November Newsletter

October 2021
NSAC is open and operating 24HRS, we welcome all those that have not yet returned to visit the club and see that it is a safe, socially distanced and clean environment for you to work out in.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s October Newsletter

September 2021
Welcome to September and some cooler temperatures (hopefully!)… Hoping everyone had a wonderful summer, whether you were able to get away for some time or spent your time in our beautiful city, I hope you had a great time.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s September Newsletter

August 2021
Unbelievably we are already into August of this year which seems to be flying by. It’s been a hot summer, as a reminder to all we have 5 fully functioning AC systems at the gym to keep you cool during these hot months.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s August Newsletter

July 2021
Summer has reached us and as you may have noticed there are fewer people at the gym as a lot have taken their summer vacations or gone to their summer homes.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s July Newsletter

June 2021
Welcome to the Month of June! Things have started to heat up now that we're rolling into the summer.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s June Newsletter

May 2021
Welcome to the month of May! Hope everyone has had a good beginning to the year, as best they could during these times.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s May Newsletter

April 2021
Welcome to April, Happy Easter to all!
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s April Newsletter

March 2021
Welcome to another edition of our monthly newsletter – we certainly appreciate your readership and patronage at the club.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s March Newsletter

February 2021
Welcome to February as we ease into the New Year.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s February Newsletter

October 2020
NSAC is open and operating 24HRS. For those that have already returned, we thank you for putting your trust in the club to keep your workout environment clean, safe and socially distanced to allow you to achieve your goals.
NSAC, Your Local Gym’s October

September 2020
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to all our members, NSAC is open and operating 24HRS.

February 2020
How Love Affects Your Heart
Having love in your life can benefit your cardiovascular health. Does your heart beat faster when you are around the person you love?

January 2020
7 Foods to Heal Your Thyroid.
If you’re feeling low on energy or a little blue, your thyroid could be to blame. Try these clean foods to help counteract thyroid issues...